Overseas Mission
At Drummoyne Presbyterian we are excited to be part of God’s mission for the world to hear about Jesus. As part of this mission, we currently support one family in East Asia, one person in South East Asia and one missionary in Germany.
We keep in regular contact with our overseas missionaries through newsletters, videos and emails...and we have even pulled off the occasional Skype call in the middle of Church. Funds raised through Easter and Christmas services have been donated to the TEAR Fund.
Short-term Mission
At various times we have provided short term volunteers or funding for various overseas missions. This has included two short term missions to Thailand to support Bethany House, a Christian orphanage in Chiang Mai, and funds raised through Easter and Christmas services have been donated to the TEAR Fund.
Overseas Mission Support Team
The Overseas Mission Support Team coordinate our support of our mission partners, including financial and practical support. Please speak to the team if you would like to know more about how you could support our mission partners
Jo Gamble
Dorothy Cheng