Our Vision
(who we want to be)
A community shaped by the gospel to reach the wider community with the gospel by…
Gospel community
Building, encouraging and strengthening deep, loving relationships within our church with the goal of sustaining Christian maturity and welcoming others in.
Gospel dependence
Growing in dependence on our sovereign God by developing both our knowledge of and obedience to God’s word and our prayer life, both corporately and privately.
Gospel sharing
Connecting with the local community by developing our current effective connection points/events/programs while introducing new ones.
Gospel caring
Serving Jesus by identifying needs within our community and beyond.
Gospel partnership
Equipping and supporting gospel workers to go out nationally and internationally.
Gospel base
Developing our facilities to make them more accessible, welcoming and useable by planning and actioning a site redevelopment.
Gospel delight
Increase our delight in our loving, gracious God by learning and understanding the riches of God’s promises in the gospel.

Our Values
(what we agree as most important)
We delight in God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—so we seek to glorify and enjoy him, valuing what he values.
Above all, we value the Gospel of Jesus Christ – the good news that through the death and resurrection of Jesus, God has redeemed and is renewing the world. When we believe and rely on what Jesus has done for us, we are called to be part of God’s purpose by living lives of love and grace.
The Gospel is found in the Bible, which is the inspired word of God. We value Biblical teaching and training that demonstrates how the Gospel needs to shape all our life and actions. As we grow in our understanding of the gospel, it inspires us to serve God and others.
Love & grace
The Gospel is rooted in love and grace. God is taking sinful people and graciously transforming us by his love, creating a radically new identity, liberating us from simply living for ourselves, to living for His eternal purpose – seeking to love as he loves, reflecting his grace by showing grace to others.
The Gospel makes it clear that we do not depend on our own strength but on the power of our sovereign God. It is through prayer that we tap into this power, relate to our God and align ourselves to his will.
The Gospel teaches us to look humbly at ourselves, remembering that although God may have blessed us with all sorts of gifts, we don’t have all the answers and don’t always get it right.
The Gospel creates a community where we can know God and His love, and serve each other as we learn to live His way. Our church community gives us an imperfect taste of His coming kingdom. The Gospel unites us as a community in a way that allows us to delight in our different gifts, roles, experiences and styles.
The Gospel calls us to mission. We love the place where God has put us and long to make a difference through intentional service and by challenging the idols of our culture with the Gospel. We seek to build God’s kingdom in Drummoyne, throughout the Inner-West, and to the ends of the earth, by training, equipping, supporting and sending people.