Caring and Giving
Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. (Proverbs 11:25 ESV)
Giving is an important way to be part of our mission at Drummoyne Presbyterian Church.
Why give?
While the Old Testament spoke of a tithe (a tenth), stipulating that people give a tenth of all they earn to the temple, this fixed amount was replaced in the NT with a principle of giving generously. We give, because God has given richly to us. We should be thankful for all his gifts, but especially for the priceless gift of his Son (Psalm 103:1-5, 2 Cor 8:9).
The model for our giving is God’s giving of his Son who, although he was rich, for our sake became poor. Giving is to be done out of love (2 Cor 8:8), a concern for the lost (John 3:16) and is to be sacrificial (2 Cor 8:9). The invitation to share in God’s work means that giving is a great privilege (2 Cor 8:2-5)!
Giving generously and sacrificially is an opportunity to trust God when he promises that a life of love and generosity is richer than a life filled with material things. While our giving (esp. with the funds entrusted to us by others) should be shrewd and responsible, we are called to not anxiously hoard all that we have, fearful of the future, but to have an attitude of trust that God will provide all that we need in the days to come.
Giving financially at Drummoyne Presbyterian
You can give electronically by organising a bank transfer to
Presbyterian Church of Drummoyne
BSB: 012 291
Account No: 191670751
The Mercy Fund
You can help those in financial need amongst us through our Mercy Fund:
BSB: 012 291
Account No: 470271972
If it is for a specific person, group, or our Simple Love Initiative please specify in the description.
If it is to be given at the discretion of the Elders, please describe as ‘general’