Get Involved at DPC
Home Groups
As church grows it is increasingly difficult to know everyone well. Home Groups can provide the closeness and commitment associated with a small number of quality relationships.
Home Groups provide opportunities to serve one another – in fellowship, sharing, prayer – as we learn together from the Word of God. A small group setting is an ideal place to ask questions, raise doubts & struggles, discuss issues and talk in concrete ways about how the Word of God applies to our lives.
If you have not been part of a Drummoyne Presbyterian Church Home Group, please sign up to the seven week “Newcomers Orientation group”, which starts at the beginning of each school term. For more details of our Newcomer group, contact Dave Burge.
Overseas Mission
At Drummoyne Presbyterian we are excited to be part of God’s mission for the world to hear about Jesus. As part of this mission we currently support 1 in East Asia, 1 in South East Asia and 1 in Germany.
The Overseas Mission Support Team coordinate our support of our mission partners, including financial and practical support. Please speak to the team if you would like to know more about how you could support our mission partners.